Edmund Buhler, MAM 1 Glovebox Version, Mini Arc Melter, S/N 2426, For oxygen sensitive samples to be handled and alloyed in inert gas atmosphere, used for melting samples 5-20 grams, up to 3500 C.
Spectrotest TXC 25 Metal Analyzer Spectrometer, Ferrous, With Software
Heraeus Electro Nite Co. Model: DCST QL Datacast 2000 Temperature Tester.
Metallurgical Products Co. Model 33D 21-000 Temperature Tester, 100/240 Volts, Amps 1, HZ 50/60
Dietert Moisture teller, 115 V, 5060Cycle, 1 Phase, 10 Amps.
Dietert 338 Electric Permmmiter, s/n 338-1214
Dietert 490-A Sand Strength Machine, 250V,47-60 HZ, 5 AMPS.
Leco TC-400 Nitrogen/Oxygen Determinator.
Tinius Olsen Tensile Tester, 30,000LB Capacity, 52" Elevation Screws, 22" Between Elevation Screws, 4-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ram Area, 4-1/2" x 5-1/2" Base area w/ Tinius Olsen Control Console, Omnigraphic ...
Metter Toledo Scale -UB, Max Cap, 50 kg/120 pounds.
CARPCO SS02-6 Sample Splitter, Ohaus Adventurer-Pro Scale AV812, S/N 8031201170, Max 810g, Misc Lab Equipment.
Riehle KA-60 Hydraulic Tension & Compression testing, S/N R-97015, Capacity 60.000LBS.
NEWAGE Portable Hardness Tester.Made in Italy