(2) Two Pillar Induction Power Supplies, IGBT Type, Model MK10, 3000 Kw, 300 Hz, Used for Iron, Very Good Running Condition, Spares, Previously Used with 6MT Furnaces (Not Included)
Pillar Lift Swing Frame Furnace, 500 LB Capacity, Spare Coil.
Pillar Induction Power Supply Cabinet, Model AB5101-3038 MK8, Rating 100 Kw, 3000 Hz, Volts 480, Amps 150, Freq 60, KVA 125, With Original Books and Drawings
Pillar Mk7 Induction Power Supply Cabinet, 750 Kw, 200 Hz, Model AB4258-6, Remote Operators Panel, (4) New Capacitors, Spare Boards, Books and Manuals, Just Removed From Service
Pillar Power Supply 75 KW Model: AB5104-2003,Imput Volts 480-Ouput-Volts 1250, 105 Amps Input, 1442 Amps Output, Frequ 60HZ , with Swing Furnace Box.